[GIT] How to ignore directory recursively by .gitignore

For example, In the Mac OS, there is the .DS_Store directory in all directory. So you want ignore the .DS_Store directory from version control.

To ignore directory recursively , use .gitignore like this.

Then the .DS_Store directory which in all directory under working directory will be ignored.

Template for .gitignore is https://github.com/github/gitignore .
It’s useful because they have lots of templates for many environments.

If you already git add, you can restore by

above command.(Do not forget period(.) )

If you already committed, then you can restore by

above command.

[Grails] Can’t insert data


When you save doesn’t work
or id or version dose not numberd.

Check errors fields on its domain object.

See the errors fields has the constraints error, you can check also check by hasErrors() method.